Phillip Hider
Phillip Hider is an immigrant who came to this country in 1967 originally from England.

Like many long time Americans who emigrated from other nations, Phil is always shocked and disappointed at the level of knowledge possessed by natural born Americans about our history and governance. We tend to take for granted the things that he, and others like him, worked hard to obtain.

At the conclusion of his citizenship ceremony, Mr. Hider asked the presiding judge what he could do to better understand the American form of government. The judge responded, “Read and understand the Federalist papers”. Phil had never heard them, nor have many people in our country today. But Phil took it upon himself to begin a decades long study of The Federalist Papers and now, largely due to being unencumbered by the results of a North American education, and because of his understanding of the language AS USED BY THE FOUNDING FATHERS, he is able to communicate in very clear terms the meaning of the Constitution and the other founding documents, and the intent behind them as devised by the founding fathers.

Phillip is probably one of the most well versed scholars of the Federalist papers and the founding documents in the country today. I, and many others who have heard him, consider him to be a national treasure.

Is it due to happy circumstance, or divine providence that our paths should cross here in the small town of Pahrump, Nevada?

As we watch events unfold in our country today, his message is urgently needed if we want to continue our republic and make good on our obligation to pass the freedoms envisioned by the founders on to generations to come.

Pat Kerby
Patrick Kerby
Patrick Kerby is a long time filmmaker and television program producer who lives in the Las Vegas area. Pat became active in politics in the summer of 2007 when he heard that Ron Paul was running for President. At the time, he thought that only he, and a few dozen others would be receptive to the message of freedom, prosperity, and peace, but was pleasantly surprised when the movement blossomed into a nationwide revolution.

Pat is the poster child for what may be accomplished in a short time if one is willing to work hard for a message who’s time has come (ok, we were a year early). Starting with taking on the task as a local organizer, Pat ended up producing films on caucus training and strategy, became an integral organizer for the southern Nevada region, produced Ron Paul commercials that won prizes in national contests, was a strategist at the county convention level, and finally at the state Republican convention, was elected as a delegate to attend the Republican National convention in 2008 (that’s a long story).

As the Ron Paul campaign wound down, the patriots involved in it each looked for how they could best work to restore our country. Pat became interim state coordinator for Campaign for Liberty. Pat’s friend Steward Rhodes founded Oathkeepers, while many others stayed in the Republican party and fought for the grassroots reform that we are seeing there nationwide.

Pat was determined to use his filmmaking ability to continue to educate people about our history and heritage, and promote knowledge and reverence for the principles of freedom.

He began to produce a local television show (The Liberty Hour) with Harold Reynard, another long time patriot.

Through a fortunate happenstance (or divine providence) Pat Kerby and Phillip Hider one day ended up in the same room. They instantly hit it off because of a shared purpose which can be clearly communicated by the Thomas Jefferson quote that you will see repeated over and over on this site: “Educate the masses of people, for surely then they will be the defenders of liberty”.

The Documents of Freedom is the first product of this collaboration, and we offer it at a reasonable price so that people will be encouraged to share it with everyone they know.

We the people, once we have the knowledge of our rights, can begin the process of returning this great nation to a Constitutional government, and the people here at Liberty Learning Center will continue to provide educational materials to assist in this effort.

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